Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don't Park Here


  1. Top one especially.

    So do you bring a camera everywhere you go? I should start doing that.


  2. As seems increasingly characteristic of you, wonderful lines and angles, esp. on the bottom two.

    The door to Winnipeg is partially boarded up. I really wish I could read the small sign.

  3. sSs
    Thanks, I like that one too. I don't take my camera out with me usually, I just look around as if I did.

    I appreciate the attention that you give these shots. I didn't get close enough to read the sign either. I was a little bit scared to go up to the door, the building houses a very suspect looking taxidermy business. I feel like a giant dog would burst through the door as soon as I stepped near enough that I couldn't get away in time. I guess that is where the zoom button would have come in handy.
