Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I left my house yesterday and immediately felt that I was out of step, I was staring and perplexed.  Everyone I saw looked strange.  Every stranger had a body type that seemed wobbly or disproportionate, their faces all looked to have some mild disfigurement, or disfigured expression, and all their hair was standing or sitting uncomfortably.  I couldn't understand what it was that was putting this lens onto my view.  The snow storm from the weekend was giving way to sunshine, maybe all of our artifices were melting away as well.  People look different and exposed in a strong wind, maybe sunshine is the same but more complete.  Maybe I over slept, too much sleep, maybe I had been away from reality for just long enough to begin to forget it.  I wonder if dreaming can do that to you, can it do that to you? Or maybe it is just the melting snow.


  1. great start to my day, thanks Dave.

    (Ray Fader!)

  2. Man, I need to rewatch that movie. David Klassen lent me a copy 4 years ago and I was not ready for it.

  3. Jon: Glad to hear it.

    Waz: You should totally re-watch it, I guarantee it's an easier watch than Vanda.

  4. I couldn't watch the copy D K lent us either! He must impart some mystic qualities to objects that render them elusive to the psyche.

  5. I found Red Desert dull (if beautiful) on my first viewing, and then a few months later I watched some clips online and, woe! The camera, sometimes, just moves for the sake of moving, and I love that. I fear that I love the movie in pieces and not as a whole.

    Bergman loved Tarkovsky because he captured "life as dream." I'd say the sequence above fits that description pretty well.


  6. Forrest: I've also had trouble watching dvd's from DK, perhaps it had more to do with the fact that I borrowed a 9 hour experimental film about Hitler than the mystic qualities that his possessions impart.

    Matthew: Sounds like you should re-watch it, it IS worth it.

  7. Never trust anything lent by DK. ;)

    That said, this post--and that video--was exactly what I needed to read this afternoon.
