Monday, September 12, 2011



  1. I love them both. The top image seems almost casual, which makes it all the more ominous -like it ought to be night-time with stark light, but instead it's under the even light of a cloudy sky.

  2. With the top one I thought that I was shooting the back of a statue of two nuns (or something resembling nuns). I realized later that this was indeed the front.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Weird statue. Wonderful. What's it there to commemorate (statues are always there for a "reason," right? Never for their own sake)?

    In my mind it's the twins from The Shining hiding under there, and only one of them is wearing high heeled shoes.

  5. I think this one commemorates something a bit more vague.

    Winnipeg is famous for it's excessive number of monuments, this one is actually just called monument (which I discovered after I titled this post).

    The twins, yes, though the statue is about 8 feet tall, so maybe this is after they grew up. One of them drank milk with cow hormones in it and the smaller didn't.
