Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Draining off the Roof


  1. SPECTACULAR lines.
    i mean, really.
    like a water-reflection in mid-air.

  2. I have thought about photographing this building for a long time but couldn't quite come up with any idea of how to 'get' it, I'm glad that you like the shot.

  3. Dave, you said,
    "[I] thought about photographing this building for a long time but couldn't quite come up with any idea of how to 'get' it"

    so, do you think this image presents an essential SOMETHING about the building? I can imagine the whole building, extrapolating out from this image in an un-ordered pattern.

    your photography outs you as a building-contemplator. yet i don't know if i've ever heard you discuss your taste in architecture. or was i not paying attention?

    is it something you could put into words?

    is this a building you like? or was there just something about it, a part -not the whole, that you felt you understood or felt a resonance with?

    umm, blah, whatever, like, yeah, and --- i like this image a lot.


    i'd like to see you take more pictures of faces.
