Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Four Reasons

This is a performance from the documentary 'Louie Bluie' by Terry Zwigoff.  Louie is the one in red playing the mando.  He is equal parts obnoxious and eccentric, and just about likeable a lot of the time.  

In the doc Louie makes the most sense when he is playing music.  The structure of the songs are just enough to keep him under control, though just barely.  His personality is so big that it spills out over the edges of his mandolin parts, but he is always reeled back in by the song.  I think he only believes in music, he seems to think that people are funny, he laughs at them a lot, but I don't think he necessarily likes them very much.  Anyway, the music in this doc is great.

 they left the street lights on all day today.  It is a great thing to have happen once in a while.


  1. Great photo to accompany your comment. I thought street lights were automatic. That's pretty wild that Winnipeg determines off and on.

  2. offacka naere, these were my two robot words. It's like a whole new vocabulary! If you add an exclamation offacka naere! that's a pretty expressive swear. A question mark offacka naere? and I imagine the train has not arrived as yet. A colon offacka naere: and thus begins the list of geological wonders in another dimension. A period offacka naere. Means I'm outta here.
